Friday, December 25, 2009

Would You Pay it Forward For Someone Else

Would You Pay it Forward For Someone Else

Hello Fellow Networkers,

In this day and age, it seems fair to now say the internet is not only here to stay, but it is now becoming something even the most insightful people could not have predicted, despite what the experts thought only a few short years ago.

It is becoming a vehicle of communication beyond what most would have believed possible. It is also becoming a financial stepping stool for even the most financially challenged people of the world. And to be honest, I'm really glad.

I don't know about you, but maybe you are like me when it comes to listening and reading all the Hype and the new launches every 30 seconds. Only to realize that all they want is your money and for you to work your butt off to recruit people to add to their list of prospects that they can mail to over and over again.

I say this mostly because of listening to some of Matt LaClear's Pod Casts on his forum and acquiring, as well as the fact that... a new vision of what this internet can become for people all around the globe, as well as the fact that...

I've recently become involved with a company that has a pay plan that everyone can use, no matter what your financial status. With a President and CEO of a company who took the time to develop a system that not only gives opportunity for the financially well to do, but also give the people who don't have extra cash to spare an opportunity to get ahead, without having to put out money first.

I don't know about you, but to me it seems like most internet marketers are looking out for themselves and only give you their advice until you sign on tht dotted line and given your credit card number or PayPal payment. However...

I do believe things are starting to change and after all, the internet is all about change. Most marketing tactics change with the growing and evolving internet and what worked yesterday, may become less effective as time goes on. Similar to why your email marketing and banner ads aren't as effective as they once were. Anyway...

My question to you today is... Would You Pay it Forward For Someone Else? Maybe yes, Maybe No. What if I told you someone would pay it forward for you first... Would You Then Pay it Forward For Someone Else? Depends on the Amount of money as well as how much you have, Correct?

Well, that is exactly what I've found with this new company. If You are tired of all the Hype and building other people's business for them, I would encourage you to take a 15 minute tour and check this out... It is Definitely worth your time!

To Your Life Success,

Ruby E. Garson

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